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tamoadmin 2024-08-09
1.求英语“世界杯”翻译2.英语翻译3.懂足球的英语高手帮我中译英.(翻译的好奖追加50分奖励)basketball 篮球 Swimming 游泳Diving





basketball 篮球 Swimming 游泳Diving 跳水Archery射箭Jumping 跳跃 high jump 跳高 pole vault 撑杆跳高 long jump 跳远 triple jump 跳远 Throwing 投掷 shot put 推铅球 discus 掷铁饼 hammer 掷链球 jelin 标枪

walk 竞走

Badminton 羽毛球

Baseball 棒球 Basketball 篮球 Football 足球 Handball 手球 Hockey / Field Hockey 曲棍球 Softball 垒球 Table Tennis 乒乓球 Tennis 网球 Volleyball 排球 Beach Volleyball 沙滩排球

Cycling(自行车) Road cycling 公路自行车赛 Track cycling 场地自行车赛 sprint 追逐赛 time trial 计时赛 points race 计分赛 pursuit 争先赛 Mountain bike 山地自行车赛 Equestrian(马术) Jumping 障碍赛 Dressage 盛装舞步 Eventing 三日赛 Fencing(击剑) Foil 花剑 Epee 重剑 Sabre 佩剑 Gymnastics(体操) Artistic Gymnastics 竞技体操 Floor Exercises 自由体操 Pommel Horse 鞍马 Rings 吊环 Vault 跳马 Parallel Bars 双杠 Horizontal Bar 单杠 Uneven Bars 高低杠 Balance Beam 平衡木 Rhythmic Gymnastics 艺术体操 Gymnastics Trampoline 蹦床 Modern Pentathlon(现代五项) Shooting 射击 Fencing 击剑 Swimming 游泳 Riding 马术 Cross-country running 越野跑


Popular competitions such as the world cup and other international sporting events such as the world can compete in a healthy way.


有道翻译:The World Cup. Do you know the World Cup? The World Cup is the highest level in the world of football matches, and the Olympic Games, the world's top three F1 and events. The World Cup is held once every four years. China will ear in tang dynasty "" sports competitions, was called "game called cuju" modern football originated in the United Kingdom, then has swept the world. Because of the rapid development of football, international has emerged. In 1896 Athens Olympic Games, football is classified as official event. In 1930, the first World Cup held in Uruguay, and Uruguay won the first World Cup title. Since then, the first World Cup football for the world of football ushered in a new era. From 1930 to 2006, a total of 18 World Cup was held. In all countries of the World Cup, he to mention Brazil and Italy, they are champions. Italy won the World Cup winner of four times. While Brazil participated in all 18 World Cup winning five titles,. In addition, the German champions, Argentina won three times and Uruguay each 2 times champion, France and England also won 1 times champion. China South Korea in 2002 World Cup scoring, but a strong and without the ball into the World Cup, unfortunately farewell. The next World Cup will be held in South Africa in 2010.

google翻译:World Cup

World Cup you know it? World Cup is the world's highest level of football matches, with the Olympics, F1 and that the world's top three events. World Cup every 4 years. Chinese Tang Dynasty on the "football" game of the competition was called "Cuju." Modern football originated in Britain, followed by sweeping the world. Because of the rapid development of the sport, international competition he also emerged. Athens 1896 Olympic Games, the football on as an official event. In 1930, the first World Cup held in Uruguay, and Uruguay won the first World Cup winner. Since then, the first session of the World Cup football for the world to create a new era. From 1930 to 2006 held a total of 18 World Cup. Take part in the World Cup in all countries, he to mention Brazil and Italy, they are a symbol of winner. Italy won a total of 4 times World Cup winner. While Brazil take part in all 18 World Cup, won the Championship 5 times. In addition, 3 times winner Germany, Argentina and Uruguay each 2 times winner, France and England also won their 1st Championship. Into Chinese in 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup 32, but the ball did not enter one, I regret to bid farewell to the World Cup. At the next World Cup will be held in South Africa in 2010.

金山翻译:World cup

Do you know world cup?The world cup is the football game of the tallest level in the world, and the Olympic Games, F1 also call in the world top-class three greatest games.The world cup holds every 4 years.The Chinese Tang Dynasty ears the tournament game of "football" and called "Cu Ju" at that time.Modern football originates England and becomes popular world later on.Because football exercises of rapid development, international the game also immediately ear.When Athens Olympic Games held in 1896, football listed as a formal event.In 1930, the first batch world cup holds in Uruguay, and Uruguay acquire first batch world cup champion.From that after, the first batch World Cup Soccer founded a new era for football sports in the world.From 1930-2006 years, totally held 18 world cup.In all nations that take part in world cup, he to mention Brazil and Italy, they are the symbols of champions.Italy totally wins 4 world cup champions.But the Brazil took part in all 18 world cup and won 5 champions.In addition, Germany acquires 3 champions, Argentina and Uruguay each 2 champions, France and England also respectively win a champion.China beats into Han Ri's world cup in 200232 strong, but a ball didn't enter, taking lee of regret world cup.Next world cup is to be held in South Africa in 2010



问题在于你对于be 翻译成了有

这里的be 要按照动词翻译,翻成 举行

再比如,he will be in a small boat



就是说,be 动词要灵活翻译,按照动词处理



Manchester United Football Club was founded in 1878. Up till today, this club has a 131-year history. Because of the style of the Manchester United is full of strength and invasiveness, and as the reason of that the mambers like to wear red shirts in match, people intitled an vivid nickname for the Manchester United - "Red Devils".

Manchester United he a large and modern stadium - "Old Trafford". Every week, 76,000 "Red Devils" fans will flock here from all over the world to watch the performences of the "Manchester United ".

Manchester United is one of the most successful club in the United Kingdom even the world. They won 10 times champions in the "English Premier League", 11 times in "FA Cup", 17 times in "Community Shield", 3 times in "European Champions League", and one time in "World Club Cup". Manchester United is the most popular club in Asian too, they he more than 300 million fans In Japan, South Korea and China. Especially in South Korea, 85% peoples are the fans of the "Red Devils ".

Why the Manchester United fans is sought fanatically from the fans? Besides of their numerous honours of championship, there is a very important reason is that they held many world-class superstars. Now,I will he the honor to introduce several stars who were famous in the history of the Manchester United.


“a 131-year history” 前面如果用不定冠词a 后面必须是131-year,而不是131 years。

invasiveness 侵略性 名词,invade 是动词。

to watch the performences 这里用performece(表演)比game 或者 match 更生动。

seek (sought) 追捧。


加上“he the honor”荣幸地(介绍),以加重语气。