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tamoadmin 2024-08-26





中国唐代就出现“足球”的竞技比赛,当时叫“蹴鞠”。现代足球起源于英国,随后风靡世界。由于足球运动的快速发展,国际比赛也随之出现。1896年雅典奥运会举行时,足球就列为正式比赛项目,丹麦以9:0大胜希腊,成为奥运会第一个足球冠军。因为奥运会不允许职业运动员参加,到了1928年阿姆斯特丹奥运会,足球比赛已无法持续。 1928年奥运会结束后,FIFA召开代表会议,一致通过决议,举办四年一次的世界足球锦标赛。这对于世界足球运动的进一步发展和提高起到了积极的推动作用。最初这个新的足球大赛称为“世界足球锦标赛”。1956年,FIFA在卢森堡召开的会议上,决定易名为“雷米特杯赛”。这是为表彰前国际足联法国人雷米特为足球运动所作出的成就。雷米特担任国际足联33年(1921-1954年),是世界足球锦标赛的发起者和组织者。后来,有人建议将两个名字联起来,称为“世界足球锦标赛——雷米特杯”。于是,在赫尔辛基会议上决定更名为“世界足球锦标赛——雷米特杯”,简称“世界杯”。


People take part in different kinds of sports, such as football, basketball, walking, swimming and so on. They also like to watch sports matches. Sports stars are very popular especially among young students . Nearly every day in the world he sports, but the most famous is the Olympics held every four years 。


"体育运动"的英文翻译为 "sports"。






n. 体育运动,运动






1. I enjoy playing sports like and basketball.(我喜欢打足球和篮球等体育运动。)

2. He has been involved in sports since a young age and has won several awards.(他从小就参与体育运动,并获得了几项奖项。)

3. Sports help improve physical fitness and promote teamwork and discipline.(体育运动有助于提高身体健康,促进团队合作和纪律性。)

4. The school has a wide range of sports programs and encourages students to participate.(学校设有多种体育项目,并鼓励学生参与。)


- participate in sports - 参与体育运动

- sports activities - 体育活动

- sports facilities - 体育设施

- sportsmanship - 体育精神


Olympic Games is a multi-sports events in international sports events, divided into summer and winter Olympic Games, held every four years. In 1992, before the summer and winter Olympic Games are held in the same year, since 1992, they were held to two years apart.

Summer Olympics more than 20 sports events including swimming, basketball, football, gymnastics, boxing, weightlifting, sailing, cycling, equestrian. Skiing, skating and ice hockey is a winter Olympic Games seven projects 3. Competition must be the representative of his or her country of citizenship. A country to participate in any of the competition can not be more than 3 (Games not more than 4), and can only send a team to participate in community sports events.

Around the origin of the ancient Olympic Games, there are many myths and legends, in the most popular legend, Hercules is the founder of the Olympic Games bricks, in order that the Lord God of Greece, the respect of his father, Zeus, heroic achievements in the completion of 12, he Olympic Stadium was built in and around the building. According to legend, Hercules straight big step 400, then the walking distance called the "Stade", but then it became the unit of distance, which is why the modern stadium perimeter of 400 meters (1 Stade = 400 m).

Since then, throughout ancient Greece, the Olympic Games quickly became more and more important, in the fifth, sixth century reached its peak. Olympic Games has a very important religious significance, and the race to be presented before and after the offerings, organized the ceremony, the primary meaning of worship the Greek Zeus (his great statue stood at Olympia), and Pelops the divine mythical hero and king of Olympia The king is the legendary chariot race known, to commemorate the Olympic Games is based in his run. Olympic Games to 20, to celebrate the ceremony to continue for several days. Contest winner was highly praised, respected for their statue of poems, make, and immortalizing. Olympic Games held every four years, the time between the two Olympic Games, Olympic Q is called Child, which is used to calculate the Greeks before the age of one of the methods. The most famous Olympic athletes of that era is the sixth century BC wrestler Mile Ke Ruo Burton, he is the only one in history to win the Olympic Games in six games


After the Romans ruled Greece, the importance of the Olympic Games will be decreased to establish the Christian Emperor Theodosius I banned pagan as the state religion and ceremony, the Olympic Games in AD 393 it was seen as pagan holiday prohibition.

In 1894, a French aristocrat 名叫皮尔狄 convened a meeting in Paris, the conference made the first modern Olympic Games held in Athens in 1896. 13 countries sent 285 people took part in the competition, the Olympic Games in different cities in the world held once every four years. Women's first race in 1912. 1924 Winter Olympics in Chamonix, France still held.

Olympics should be the promotion of global sports, to promote the understanding and friendship between peoples of good opportunities, but unfortunately it is often subject to political influence, he been resisted by some countries. Melbourne 1956 Olympic Games is the first time by the boycott of the Olympics, against the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland.

1980 and , during the Cold War opponents boycotted each other host the Olympic Games. In 1980, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, 65 countries refused to participate in the Moscow Olympic games, the boycott to the Olympics Cathay Pacific reduced to 81, this is the Olympic Games since 1956 at least one country. In retaliation, the Soviet Union and its Eastern European Group of 14 partners (except Romania) did not participate in the Los Angeles Olympic Games.

Football originated in China. Because of the limitations of the feudal society, China's ancient Cuju ultimately did not develop into a "fair competition" for the principles of modern sport. This is a qualitative leap in the British capitalism completed. London Queen Street freemasons pubs, which is the birthplace of modern football, history landmark meeting held here. In 1903, Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Spain, and other countries negotiate the establishment of an international organizations, however, as Britain is the birthplace of football enthusiasm is not high. But football is beginning popularity in Europe and the Americas

Soccer (Football; ): Traditional was 20 6-shaped and 12 5-a total of 32 skin-shaped composition. The playing field for a long 105 m, width 68 m

Football confrontational strong athletes in the game allowed by the rules used in the various actions, including running, exigency stop, turned around and fell on the ground, jump, crash, and so on, with the fierce rivals for. Competition long time, the audience, competition sites, any other sport is beyond.

This sport is dominated ball feet mainly at the same venue two teams within the sport offensive items. Football is the world's most loved people, carry out the most extensive and most influential sports projects, known as "the world's number one sport." Some countries will be football as a "country ball." An exciting match, attracting tens of thousands of spectators and hundreds of millions of television viewers as the important contents of the news reports relating to football, which hold the world's press coverage, today's football Movement has become people's lives is an integral part. According to incomplete statistics, the world now regularly participate in the competition's team of about 800,000, registered athletes about 40 million people, including professional athletes about 10 million people.

2. The characteristics of sport

First, overall. Soccer matches each team from 11 game entries. Field of 11 people unity of thinking and action in line to attack the whole dynamic, the whole defense Code, the overall awareness of the war stronger. Only formation of the overall offense and defense, the game can be achieved good initiative and the results of the competition.

Second, confrontational. Football is a competitive confrontational projects, competitions, the two sides in contention for the control of the ball scored the other goal to achieve, and not allow the ball into the goal, the purpose of this, the struggle between the start forefront of the fight, especially in the two free throws near time, the space is unusual for more fierce, compelling. A high level of competition, and the two sides for the crash fell on the ground because of the number of up to 200 times above, we can see that the fierce confrontation.

Third, changeability. Football is a technical suits and tactical unpredictable, and the outcome difficult to predict the outcome of non-cyclical sport, the game using technological and tactical should be direct interference by the other side, the limitation and resistance. Technical and Tactical spot is in accordance with the specific circumstances of the lication and agility to play.

Fourth, easy nature. Football Competition Rules comparison concise and equipment requirements is not high. General tournament time, the number of entries, venues and equipment not be strictly limited, so it is a national fitness in a very easy-to the mass of sports projects.

3. The role of sport

One is conducive to good mental ideological and moral quality and the formation of

Second, it helps to strengthen physical fitness, health promotion

Third, to the building of spiritual civilization.

Fourth, to inspire the national spirit

Now the most famous league is the five major European league (Serie. Premiership, Spanish, German, French)
